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For the chai:
1/2cup milk (not skim milk, see nerdy science note above)
1/2cup water
1 to 2tsp. sugar, or your favorite sweetener
1tsp. loose tea leaves
1/8 to 1/4tsp. chai masala depending on your spice preference, see recipe below
For the chai masala:
160g./32 g. whole black peppercorn (or finely ground, same weight. Volume: 1 cup + 7 Tbsp)
125g./25 g. whole dried ginger or ginger powder (Volume: 1 cup + 8 Tbsp)
50g./10 g. cinnamon sticks (or finely ground, same weight. Volume: 1/4 cup + 2 1/2 Tbsp)
50g./10 g. whole cardamom seeds (or finely ground, same weight. Volume: 1/2 cup + 1/2 Tbsp)
5g./1 g. whole cloves (or finely ground, same weight. Volume: 1 Tbsp)
5g./1 g. nutmeg (or finely ground, same weight. Volume: 1 Tbsp)
**Please see additional notes below before proceeding regarding the total amount to make as well as the amount of black pepper**


For the chai:
1.Pour all ingredients into a (preferably spouted) saucepan. Place over medium heat. Allow to heat until small bubbles appear around the perimeter of the milk. Stir the chai, scraping the bottom to avoid scalding the milk. When the milk comes to a boil, turn off the heat and stir well. Bring to a boil once again, turn off the heat and stir well. Allow to steep for a few minutes. Strain carefully into a cup, and serve.
For the chai masala:
1.If you are using whole spices, weigh out the appropriate amount, place in spice grinder and grind into a fine powder. Mix all the spices together, store in an airtight jar in a cool, dry part of your kitchen. Do not expose to too much sunlight.