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Spaghetti with Herbs and Chilis


1/2lb good quality spaghetti
2tbsp butter
2tbsp olive oil
3/4of a small poblano pepper, minced
3 to 4cloves of garlic, smashed and roughly chopped
~ 1 tbsp minced basil
~ 1.5 tbsp minced mint
~ 2 tbsp minced flat leaf parsley
generous 1/2 c fresh ricotta
salt & pepper (optional)


1.Cook spaghetti in accordance with directions on package for al dente spaghetti
2.While spaghetti is cooking, melt butter & heat olive oil in a large frying pan over low heat.
3.When butter is fully melted, stir in poblanos and garlic.
4.Saute for 2 - 3 minutes, stirring once or twice.
5.Add ~ 1/4 c pasta water to the pan and stir
6.Allow to saute another couple of minutes, again stirring once or twice.
7.Add another ~ 1/4 of pasta water if desired.
8.Drain pasta and add to frying pan.
9.Toss together until spaghetti is well-coated with the oil/butter mixture.
10.Remove from heat.
11.Stir in herbs. Toss again to combine.
12.Separate onto two plates and top each with half of the ricotta.
13.Stir ricotta into pasta.
14.Salt & pepper to taste.
15.Serve with a baguette and a couple glasses of wine.