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Duck Breast (sous vide)

Recipe is a modification/combination of Serious Eats' sous vide duck breast recipe (http://www.seriouseats.com/recipes/2010/09/sous-vide-101-duck-breast-recipe.html) and a roast duckling recipe from John Hadamuscin's cookbook The Holidays.


4medium shallots, chopped (or equivalent of onion powder)
4bay leaves
10garlic cloves, chopped
1tbsp salt
1tbsp freshly ground pepper
2tsp dried thyme
2cups red wine
~4lb. duck breast (8 duck breasts)


1.Combine all ingredients except duck in a bowl or jar. Add breasts to a ziploc or vacuum seal bag, pour marinade in and seal.
2.Marinate in the refrigerator for 12-24 hours.
3.Remove breasts from marinade, place on plate uncovered for 12-24 hours.
4.Remove from fridge and let set out on counter for an hour to come up to room temperature.
1.Vacuum seal breasts and sous vide for at least 45 minutes at 130F.
2.Remove from bag, dry thoroughly with paper towels and place skin side down in a clean, cold cast iron over high heat for 2 minutes, until sizzling.
3.Reduce heat to medium and cook for another 5 minutes, pressing and moving the breasts as needed to ensure good contact with the pan.
4.Flip and cook other side for 30 seconds, until just coloured.
5.Remove to paper towel lined plate and let rest 5 minutes. Slice and serve.